Teresa G.

Name: Teresa Gormsen Age: 35

Hometown: Palatine

How long have you been CrossFitting for? Only about 4 months

Athletic background? Some dancing when I was younger and basic exercising. I certainly would not describe myself as athletic!

What were your thoughts after your very first WOD? What the hell did I get myself into! I can’t believe how much I am sweating and my heart is beating so fast it’s going to come out of my chest.

What is something no one knows about you? I have a fraternal twin sister.

What are your training/fitness goals? To live an overall healthier lifestyle, teach my kids about the importance of exercise (best way to do this is by example) and of course to fit back into my pre-baby clothes!

What is your favorite CrossFit WOD? This is still to be determined…

What is your least favorite CrossFit WOD? 7 minutes of Burpees…somehow I got through it, but it was absolutely miserable!

What is your favorite cheat food? Tacos!!!

What’s your favorite thing about CrossFit?. I love the way I feel after a great workout! Everyone is extremely nice and helpful. It feels nice to be a part of this “club”

Any advice for people just getting started? Stick with it! This by far has been the most challenging thing I have ever done and there are days where I am dragging myself to the box….but I see results and feel great!

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