NUtrition & Wellness Coaching


Achieve Your Health, Wellness & Weight Loss Goals with Nutrition Coaching by Enclave

How about all of the above? Goals become achievable when consistency and accountability is prioritized.

This is where our certified coaches can help.

You are our priority. Our coaching, combined with the online program, provide a simplified, stress free path to wellness. We also have partnered with a local company that will deliver performance-optimized meals directly to you, making your fitness and wellness easier than ever to improve or maintain.

Nutrition coaching by Enclave is available for members and non-members and is designed for all levels of fitness. We also offer delicious, healthy meals delivered directly to your home or office from Factor. Learn more.

Members & Athletes:

You’re going to the gym regularly and have seen the start of success. You may have already made some changes in your eating habits. But you’re still not quite at your goal and you may not have achieved the body you’re working so hard for…sound familiar?

Your goal may be lost in the nutrition aspect, which is where most of your gains will come from. This is where our program can help.

New to Nutrition? Not a Member of Enclave?

Big goals require change but you don’t have to do it alone. The Enclave Nutrition Program works because it doesn’t require those big changes overnight. Instead, your coach will work with you to achieve the right balance of accountability, consistency and healthy choices that bring lasting results and build sustainable healthy habits for life.