Crossfit Enclave

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Age: 36

Hometown: Grand Rapids, MI


How long have you been crossfitting? 1.5 yrs


Athletic Background: I played soccer and basketball in High School but was a dominant intramural underwater hockey player in college.


What brought you to try Crossfit?: I was bored just going to a local gym so never went, I knew I needed a plan when I showed up to work out and CrossFit gives you that. 


What were your thoughts after your first WOD? My first thought was “I think I am going to pass out”, followed immediately by “I thought I was in shape!?” Nope. I knew immediately that this is what I needed, to get a great entire-body workout, in a short amount of time.


What are your training/fitness goals? I want to do a muscle up by this summer, I have several mud races as well this year that I want to do well at.


What is your favorite Crossfit WOD and/or movement? I like body-weight movements, so Murph is one of my favorites. Plus it’s a hero work-out that we all do together so that makes it a lot of fun.


What is your least favorite Crossfit WOD and/or movement? Thrusters. So much pain.


What is your favorite thing about Crossfit? You get an unbelievable work-out in a short amount of time, and you do it with a group of people that support and encourage you. 


What is your favorite cheat food? Salt and Vinegar Kettle Chips and Craft Beer.


Tell us something no one knows about you: I own a small architecture firm called Risepointe. We have an office in Seattle and an office in downtown Dundee IL that specializes in churches.


Any advice for people just getting started with Crossfit? Listen and Learn from the coaches. Ask them questions, they are experts at what they do and will make every work-out count towards your fitness goals.